Friday, December 16, 2022

Missing Moves December 2022

 The support beams for the ramp over 295 have all been installed. This will eventually be the ramp from 42 North to 295 South.

Support beams from the ramps over 42 have been staged in the center median and temporary supports have been setup to help with the installation of the beams. This will eventually be the ramp from 42 North to 295 South.

A few days later the first set of beams was installed on the center support. It can't be seen in this picture but this is just a small section of the beams on the center support, they do no extend over the road on either side. 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Missing Moves November 2022

The main structure of the new Missing Moves ramps are pretty much complete with two exceptions, a gap where the ramp passes over 42, and a second gap where it passes over 295. The center support for the 42 gap is currently being built. A steel cross support for the ramp over 295 was recently installed along with the first couple of support beam for the road bed.

Here is an aerial photo thanks to, along with some of my photos from the ground. 

Additional support beams are staged near by.

On the north bound side of 295 work continues on fencing near the Creek Road overpass and barriers along the new ramp to 42 South. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Browning Road Overpass November 2022

Equipment is in place to start working on the second bridge abutment for the new Browning Road overpass. I am assuming the pile driver will be used to but in sheet pile to retain the earth so that the old abutment can be removed. 


Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Missing Moves November 2022

The concrete has been poured for the first part of the center support from the ramp from 42 North to 295 South. Sitting next to the support is the form for the top portion of the support. 

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Direct Connect October 2022

Preparation work has started on the area around the collapsed wall to get ready for reconstruction which should start soon.

 The shoulder along the ramp from 42 North to 295 North has been widened and some drainage improvements have been made. 

Final work on the first of the new Browning Over overpass abutments. 

Preparation work in between the lanes of 76 East for a new support for the Browning Road overpass. The old overpass had once center support, but the new longer overpass  will require two. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Creek Road Overpass

On the Creek Road overpass over 295, traffic has been shifted onto the newly constructed south side of the bridge. The north side once again been blocked off so the final work can be complete there which will include adding the pedestrian walkway.   

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Missing Moves October 2022

With the Creek Road overpass mostly complete there is now room to complete the ramp that will come from 42 North to 295 South

Work to widen the bridge over Big Timber Creek is now happening on both sides of 295.

Work continues on the approach to the ramp from 295 North to 42 South. The highway is being widened and curbing and barriers have started to go in. 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Missing Moves October 2022

Work has begun on the support in the center median of 42. This is the final support needed to connect the two parks of the missing moves ramp that is already under construction. 

The ground based section of the ramp is also coming along. Here is a picture of it from Creek Road.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Direct Connect September 2022

Now that work is almost complete on the first of the new Browning Road overpass abutments the barriers have been removed and new paving have taken place from the Al-Jo curve down to the 295/42 split. 


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Missing Moved September 2022

Work continues to widen the north bound side of 295 from Delsea Drive up to new ramp to 42 south. Land is being cleared, drainage installed and the area is being prepped for paving.