Here are some pictures of the staging area that has been setup along 295 South.
There is a large pile of steel in the staging. One of the pieces if labeled Wall #9, #11 55’. This may be for retaining wall 11 which is shown in the plans below.
I looks like some work has been going on the past week. The retaining wall by the cemetery has started to wrap around the support columns. The will eventually form the end of the of the new 295 mainline where it transitions into an overpass over 42.
More land clearing has been done for the missing moves project. Here you can see some clearing along 295 North, just above Almonesson Rd.
Some more land clearing along 295 North between Almonesson Rd. and Creek Rd.
Here is another look at some of the clearing along 295 South just above Creek Rd. It’s hard to see in this picture but the a staging area has been setup in this area.
There continues to be little visible work on the direct connect project, but work has continued on Missing Moves.
Here is a pictures of the Jersey barriers installed along 295 north starting below creek road.
Here are some more pictures of the land clearing along the south bound side.
The clearing on the south bound side now extends all the way down to Delsea Drive. 295 will be widened to four lanes from where the new ramp ends all the way down to the Delsea drive exit.