Saturday, January 30, 2021

Missing Moves–January 2021

Concrete panels being installed to create retaining walls that will form the ramp to 295 South.

Here is a view of that work from the Creek Road overpass.

A concrete retaining wall has been built extending back from the new Creek Road overpass bridge abutment.

Here is a view of that that same work from the Creek Road overpass. Creek road will eventually shift over into this area when the new part of the overpass is built.

Work also continues on the center support for the Creek Road overpass.

Along the north bound side of 295 work continues on the support for the ramp.

One us the supports along Creek Road.

Work between 42 North and Benigno Ave.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Direct Connect–January 2021

A little bit of progress on the direct connect project. They have started to finish the retaining wall at the end of the section of the new mainline that comes up by the cemetery. I believe they left this unfinished to provide easier access to where the overpass supports were being built.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Missing Moves–January 2021

Overpass supports taking shape along 295 North. This is where the ramp from 42 will meet up with 295.

Along 295 South they have started to build the retaining wall that will form the end of the ramp of 42 North. You can see two of the prefabricated panels just to the left of the orange barrels.

You can see stacks of the panels for the retaining wall in this photo.

Concrete forms are in place for the new Creek Road bridge abutment along 295 South.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Missing Moves–December 2020

Work continues on the reconstruction of the Creek Road overpass. The concrete abutment on the north bound side of 295 has been built.

On the south bound side the foundation is complete waiting for the abutment to be build on top of it.

Work has also begun on the foundation for the center support.

Pilings have started to go in for the center supports for the bridge over Big Timber Creek.

Here is a look at the work along 295 north above Creek Road.

Pilings are going in near the exit from 42 South to Harding Ave. These will be for more ramp overpass supports.

Ramp supports along Benigno Ave.

Still a lot of work going on along 42 north in preparation for widening the road where it leads up to the new ramp.